Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


So here I am back to blogger after a not so brief break. Now a quick brief update on whats been happening to me over the last couple of weeks or so...I have watched quite a few movie in the last cple of weeks...
Oceans 11 was good. I liked the movie but somehow did not enthuse me enough to crave to watch Oceans 12. Especially after the bad reviews that it got on NPR- National Public Radio. Anyways, I also watched "Trial and Error"---Hilarious movie. I liked the movie a lot. There is this other movie called "Mickey Blue Eyes" or something like that. I watched abt half the movie...I classifty this as an almost Tamish movie...

Anyways more importantly I might have found another Squash partner--Derek. We have decided to meet up every Saturday at 8:00 Am to play squash for a couple of hours. Now thats very very good...Because, somehow i love this idea of forcing oneself to get up early to play squash....That might just be because it reminds me of those days i used to wake up early...or rather those days when Aditya used to wake me up rudely at 6:00 Am so that i cld play cricket...

Last Saturday squash was memorable in more ways than one. I had to run a lot and was really really tired. That was 1 mreason. The other ---- I slightly hurt my ankle. Wasnt bad at all....But nevertheless it reminded me of that cruel six months i spent with a hurt ankle in 2003. Also, it reminded me that i a so badly wish to go SKIing sometime this winter. I really must go skiing. Shyam went Skiing last weekend. But i coukldnt join him because of this course "Image Segementation" that i am doing. Theres a project due this wednesday and an exam on Friday. Hopefullysome Skiing can be squeezed in this year.

Now for the best news in quite a while. Theres a long vacation being planned. FLORIDA - 5 Days. It must be warm and cozy. Hopefully we'll get to do some interesting stuff there. And best of all Bala/Venki might be able to join us in Florida. Let me see how this thing goes!!!

Meanwhile I must say winter makes it so SO SO difficult to wake up...I wake up every day hoping that i cld just sleep for another couple of hours...And as every day gets colder than the previous and the craving for sleep increases that much more...I am sure a lot of ppl around here will agree with me....

Let me now go and do some work.....I need to complete this project by wednesday...


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