Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Well I met the Nov 1 deadline quite comfortably actually. By the way to those who dont know this was a deadline for a submission of a paper. And in quite an interesting topic I must add..(Tracking Bees). Anyways now that the deadline is behind me I dont feel like working at all. I am almost tempted to take a weeks vacation! :)

But the truth is I am back in school at 8 AM today. Am bored and ssurfing the net big time. Read an interesting story about Queen of the Sky a Delta employee who was fired for maintaining a blog. Read some excerpts from her blog and realized that she does lead a much more exciting life than I do. Nothing seriously unexpected in that I suppose.

I am also wondering whether there is any point at all in writing these blogs. The lack of any comments from my friends is actually been quite a demoraliser for continuing the blog. But lets see how long this experiment with blogging continues.

I have one minor (Oh man with the state of my motivation it looks like a major chore) today. I have to complete making a presentation on tracking bees. Lets see how the presentation goes!.

The unimaginably close election of all time went convincingly to BUSH i would say. He won the popular vote. He won the electoral college vote (or atleast almost has won it). and the Republican party had some gains to take home from this election. Couldnt find any gains for the Democrats though. except maybe Illinois Senate where Barack Obama won quite comfortably.

Diwali is fast approaching and I am sure the sound of crackers has started filling the ears of all those in India. Nothing here of course. Actually thinking back, maybe Diwali was one of those festivals that i really enjoyed (eventho i probably wouldnt have accepted it when i was back in India.). I really seem to miss the sweets that Aditya would bring home every Diwali. I miss the Cricket that we used to play in the early afternnons of every Diwali. I miss the late evening shopping that all of us (heaaded by the Great Aditya) would do every Diwali. I must still keep it a secret from you all what exact unmentionables Aditya shopped for. Anyways, thats besides the point.

In fact this thought of Diwali has started triggering memories of parts of my past that i still seem to cling on to. The long conversations (always utterly pointless) with Aravind and Viji on my terrace. The long hours of Cricket. The unimaginably long hours of convincing all of us (of crse headed by Aditya again) had to do before we cld get Venkatesh to play. The Unbelievably short amount of provocation that was required before Aravind would lose his wicket to a rash shot. and so on and on....Actually that reminds me that i havent heard from Deepak Ramesh (Dadiya) in quite a long while. If any of you indeed know his current email address please do send it 2 me.

I will hopefully try to update this blog everyday for sometime until i get busy again. Hope diwali is a lot of fun.


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