Just Another Day

Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Friday, August 19, 2005

Something everyone needs to know

With the ever increasing fuel prices it is imperative that we all learn a little more about our cars and how to get the best performance/efficiency from our cars. Of course social practices like carpooling and the rest that dramatically reduce gas consumption are also advisable. Nevertheless
read this article about gas mileage of cars

I just payed GEICO another hefty sum of money for my auto insurnce for the next 6 months. Auto insurance is such an expensive phenomenon, that every six months when I pay up the premium it leaves a bad taste within me!!! Anyway, I dont have to worry about it for the next 6 months (hopefully!!!).

Suddenly of late I am slowly developin an interest in Public Policy. Lets see how this interest shapes up in the near future.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Comments Highlighted

For my previous post about Farmers in India and Abroad Subhamoy Pal and Vijay had posted comments...Am just listing the comments below

Subhamoy said...

There used to be a somewhat Gandhian model of economics and growth. . .which had its basis in the self sufficiency of villages, strong agriculture, and strong panchayat type self government. A grass roots democracy. But the modern paradigm that has been slickly sold to us. . .and is fairly good for us urban city types who can get software jobs. . .is the paradigm of foreign investment. Let people lend you the money with which you can build things. . .and let's all grow rich together.

I am not for one mode or the other. I think we can do both. The article reminds us not to forget what development should be all about. And what wealth is-- happy citizens, good infrastructure, clean air.

Vijay said...

It's not just about self sustainment or Democracy or Global Economic Markets with Free trade et al. It's about taking care of the BASIC necessities of life, and if you think about it, FOOD is all that is really needed, and everything else comes after that, and we shouldnt forget that. Money is still just paper (nowadays a number residing in some Bank HQ harddrive), and having lots of it with no food to live isn't going to help...

On the other hand, Life is meant to be lived richly, and we are not machines to just fill up our fuel tanks, and expend energy. For having a meaningful lifestyle, we have to do something extra (Manufacturing, Media, Software :P ) in addition to food ... and not in place of food.


Finally for the first ever time in my living memory England have started competing in the ashes. Usually it is such a sordid affair in which the Aussies trounce the English that every catch every wicket taking delivery and every run by England was vociferously cheered.....But this time around the poster boys Flintoff and Pieterson have woken this English team and the captain seems to have risen up to the call....England should manage to bat out most of tomorrow and then restrict the Australian scoring rate. The Australian batting is extremely vulnerable if u restrict their scoring rate and that is exactly what Vaughn must attempt to do when it is their turn to bowl.....

Or am i just dreaming......

Monday, August 08, 2005

Where will they go and what will they do?

Interesting question this....After reading this report that the SHUTTLE Reentry was delayed by 24 hours because of cloudy skies and the like Gaurav asked me this question....

Well Now that their reentry is delayed by 24 hours what will they do and where will they go ? Even the several unforseen (or in many cases well forseen ) delays of the Indian Railways usually entails several cups of tea and snacks in the railway platforms. In fact during the incessant period of rains in Bombay it was interesting to note that several of the "True Mumbaikars" who wrote in to Rediff were seen commenting about " the snacks that were available in the railway stations and even during the deluge".

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Online Sanskrit Classes

For those who are interested....Florida International University is offering Online Sanskrit Courses

Renga take note!!!

By the way, Renga will be reaching here tonite....Lavanya just returned back from India yesterday....and its Jagans birthday tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Another day and Another Quote

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

—President Theodore Roosevelt, Sorbonne, 1910