Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My First Kangaroo

Today i saw my first Kangaroo....I was out in the field at the Beehive where they conduct their experiments with the bees. And as i entered the field i saw three Kangaroos staring at me. I was happy to see them of course. My labmate who was with me then told me that if i approached them slowly with long intermittent stops i might be able to get close to them. So thats what i did. I took two steps waited a minute, then another two steps and so on and so forth. I was about as close as 5 feet from them when they realized my presence. Then they hopped away and my GOD they are quite fast. Inspite of hopping away on two feet, they are still able to move quite fast. Unfortunately of crse since it was unplanned i didnt have my camera on me and off they went without being photographed.

So after that of crse i went and saw the huge beehive and the thousands of bees in them....The buzz they created was quite a noise i should say. I saw the place where they had made long recordings of beeflights. In short i got introduced to the bees. Now i am back in the lab typing away....


Blogger Baejaar said...

Never step within 2 metres of a Kangaroo. They are generally timid. However if they felt threatened, they can be deadly.

3:17 PM  

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