Just Another Day

Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Jaywalking.....Its a crime...But where? Here in the US apparently...How many of you have led all your life without ever jaywalking?

Read this BBC report about a poor bespectacled Professor

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chrysler on Global Warming...

Mr Jolissant, a Chrysler veteran who was recently appointed the chief economist for the German-US DaimlerChrysler Group, said that since he started spending more time at the company's corporate headquarters in Stuttgart he had been shocked by the absurdity of European attitudes towards global warming.

In response to a question from the floor, he said that global warming was a far-off risk whose magnitude was uncertain.

He said that from an economic point of view, it would be more rational to spend lots of money on today's other big problems, and only make small and limited changes in policies relating to global warming, such as a slight increase in gasoline or carbon taxes.

Read the Full Story here

My last India Trip

I just received this photo by email. It was a photo taken in Bangalore during my last India trip. It was taken in one of the umpteen Coffe cafes in B'lore...one of the many we visited in a 2 day trip. Its just another 2 weeks or so before I embark on another India trip...Just cant wait....

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Global Warming is THERE

So I posted last week about the high temperature in Boston...Today I read this post from Abi... Do u still Believe Global Warming is a Myth

And just to be fair and give you the cynics view on Global warming...Heres what Adarsh had to say Ecological Balance and Global Warming

But then again, if you knew Adarsh that opinion would come as no big surprise.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Global Warming is HERE

I expected life in Boston in January to be cold and snow filled....But today was freaking summer temperatures...60 degrees F.....Its warm and nice here in Boston.....I am not complaining at all....I am just saying..."lets all move inland and high up" :)