Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Monday, October 03, 2005

Chennai ------

It is not with the greatest of glee that I write this post...What the hell is this world (or rather Chennai ) coming to.... Tell me ppl what the hell is wrong with two "CONSENTING ADULTS" both words highlighted kissing each other. I dont see any. But some authorities in Chennai police seem to find it obscene and take it an insult to the spirit and culture of the city..."Big freaking Morons". Read this extract again from Rediff

And if all this is not enough personally i have seen some of my friends have the unfortunate experience of going to Colleges that self discipline ("WHAT") their students by enforcing a DRESS code. Who the **** are they to decide appropriateness of a certain dress? And whats most infuriating is the fact that most of these students actually took to it and followed it in letter and spirit. And now what is that leading to.,...More engineering colleges are now adopting the "Gold Standard" in "Power Dresssing". Power to all those morons who decide what studenst can wear and what they cannot. By the way Can I wear Blue Underwear on Mondays? Oh shit...I did not know this bylaw. Made a mistake. What its a Rs 500 fine for inappropriate dressing and a Rs. 500 fine for using obscene words (Thats the shit u pay for using the word shit). Anyway, sooner or later we will all be such consenting morons that all follow the same set of MORAL rules that we have nothing to fear for we are all the same...Everyone in Chennai shall wear blue on Mondays (with Red inners) and Yellow on Tuesdays and Magenta on Wednesdays and so on and so forth....

Historically Universities and centers of learning and education have also been centers of great civil uprisings and have played a very important and significant role even in our independence. The same can be said of almost any other country. Even today, in the US of A the universities are liberal centersa of thought and free spirit and therefore play an important role in curtailing the role of STUPID MORAL POLICING. And by very nature these standardising laws in colleges tend to keep that free spirit and questioning and inquisitive mind in curb....It clearly declares "If u want to think for urself and make ur own guideline U DO NOT BELONG HERE. This is the college for all non-thinkers. We think for u and decide what is right and what is wrong for u. If u want to think for urself Go Elsewhere". Colleges and centers of education must be centers of free thought and expression. That is the ONLY WAY THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE Can GO FORWARD....Hope some educators are listening....If there are ppl reading this post who are as offended as I am by this kind of MORAL POLICING I think its time some of us find ourselves someway of getting into the system to change the system for changes are absolutely essential. Maybe becoming an educator-beuraucrat or whatever is the equivalent policy maker in education is the way to change the norm....Or maybe its the prerogative of the judiciary. Maybe we should contest such unacceptable MORAL POLICING in the court of law...Somethings MUST CHange and This better Do....


Blogger Neel Arurkar said...

Yeah Ashok, I too read the article today morning. Sad shit indeed. Who the f*** are they? First let them all look at how Jayalalitha has spent her life(I mean she is free to do whatever she wants too), before policing others.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think this has anything to with Jayalalitha's government, atleast with regards to colleges, its the management of the college that has decided to such meaningless policing.

1:58 PM  

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