Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Height of Hypocrisy

Height of Hypocrisy

Really......But one thing seems certain these days...Every mode of public transport seems to be the target of terrorist attacks... It is indeed sad that in this latest episode in London, though some of the perpetrators of these attacks were appaarently spotted none of them were actuaally stopped/held by the people in London...This first of all surprises me because every report I read after the first wave of attcks on July 7 seemed to suggest that the Londoners were a braave race, that were coping with the disaster in the best maanner possible. And i was really impressed by the Londoners response to those attacks. Nevertheless, even the bravest have let these ******(I dont intend to put any expletives openly in this page) off the hook by allowing them to escape even after being spotted in the open...


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