Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Shivaratnagiri Srinivasan

Well, I met two of my IITM friends yesterday. Shivaratnagiri Srinivasan and Parvathinathan Venkitasubramaiam. Man....Are they long names or what.....They are both in Baltimore forv some conference presenting their work. So non-chalantly i asked Shiva, what the title of his talk was.....And off he went weith a name that has more words than the number of letters in his name....Believe me thats true...Anyway, it was very nice to meet up Shiva and Paro again.

Dinner was at an Indian Restaurant at Baltimore. Shiva tried his hand at immitating Profs again for the consumption of me,paro, murr and shivas friend Pranav. It was good to go back in time. Then 10 PM struck and shiva had to go to sleep!!! So i came back home late in the night. Then sat down and started making my presentation. ( I was supposed to give a group talk today). Halfway through i lost enthu and decided to make the rest today morning.


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