Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Monday, February 21, 2005

Ski Update

Saturday was Ski time again. Me, Shyam Renga and Rambo went Skiing to the White Tail Ski resorts. It was supposedly great conditions for Skiing. We started late that day (as has been the custom whenever me and Shyam have been involved in any activity!!). So at around 4 we departed College Park. We reached the Ski resort at around 5:40 or so. Getting into Ski gear etc took the next 20-25 minutes. We then hit the slopes.(well I actually litearally hit the slopes). I was actually very very underconfident (if such a word exists) and was struggling with the skiis for the first half an hour or so. But then as i skiind on the first two Bunny slopes for about half an hour or so, i regained my toch ( whih is to say i fell down at a less frequent rate!!!).

So after asometime of comfortable Skiing in the bunny slopes i decide to try the next slope which was definitely much harder and much longer and much steeper. (But of crse to Pro skiers like Shyam this slope is a piece of cake.). Anyway i am still an amateur while on top of the slope i decide i will give it my best shot. The next few seconds were great. I had a flwless long Run on this slope. It lasted for about half the length of the slope and then i had my first fall on this slope. I completed the slope with two more falls. By then i was really really cold. So we all went out to have some Tea/Coffee.

After replenishing ourselves we hiot the slopes again. I made two more attempts at the long eluding slope. Both attempts were moderate. I had a few falls every once in a while but on the whole i was getting more comfortable handling the Skiis. Lets see how the next time goes. Hopefully i will be able to Ski again later next week.


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