Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Friday, February 18, 2005

Mass Proffing

Mass mailing profs for positions as Research Assistants and for Internships is I guess common. But theres a limit to such mass mails. When I receive a mail asking for an internship....Well that is funny. This is an email i received today. Read and enjoy. I have removed any reference to the name of the sender for anonymity.

Dear Prof Dr.V.Ashok Narayanan,
I am a 3rd year undergraduate student of **** Engineering at **********.I am impressed by your research work in the field of signal processing.I particularily went through your publications on The fractional Fourier transform: theory, implementation and error analysis and i was really impressed by your research work. As a part of the curriculum the students are required to undergo a summertraineeship at the end of the 3rd year. I am highly interested in doing a summer training in your research group and would be highly obliged if you gave me an opportunity for internship during (May-July) in 2005. My academic interests are in signal processing. I believe that doing a project under you would fulfill my interests and expose me to the current trends in these fields of research. I am attaching my resume and hope for a favorable response.I would also like to request you that if you are not the intended person, please forward this to the authorized person. Thank you for your time and consideration.

****** ******


Blogger me said...

Prof. Dr. V. Ashok Narayanan!

Sounds so impressive man...for us friends who know you and treat you as just ashok, one of us :-)

i wonder why you think it is funny for someone to send you an email asking for eloborate for ppl like me!

6:59 AM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

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12:00 AM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

Respected Sir

Waiting for this week's update on skiing experience.........

Never knew that you had bcom a doctor. I guess you are the first one from our section to do so. Congratulations Proffessor Dr. Ashok. Waiting for the treat!!!!

- Dheepak

12:01 AM  
Blogger Kavitha said...

Ashoka.. at the rate "cute cuddly baby" is doing research, for all you know, he might really send you out such an email someday :) Watch out man! You don't want to be his advisor, do you???

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its cool seeing you as Prof Dr.Ashok. Keep it up boss. this sure calls for a treat !!


12:55 PM  

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