Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Gaurav + Meeting == False

Gaurav is a labmate of mine...No seedha saadha ladka he is. Today theres gonna be a potluck at his house. But his luck has not been so good as far as meetings with our advisor goes...Its been rotten so far. Gaurav has been an RA under our advisor Dr.Rama for about two years now...our advisor has called him on meetings as few as 4 or five times and these are the replies he had to give on those few occasions

R: The FRGC meeting is on Sep8. Come for that.
Gaurav: Sorry sir, I am in India at that time!!!

R: Can we have the smart camera group meeting on Monday?
Gaurav: Sir, I am leaving to UK on Sunday. Sorry.

R: We are supposed to go to New Jersey for the distributed systems meeting on Sep 10.
Gaurav: Sorry Sir. I will be flying back from India only on 11th.

R: Can I meet you taday evening at 3:30?
Gaurav: Sorry Sir. I have to be at Dulles to pick a friend from the airport....

The NERVE this fellow has is indeed terrific.....
Lets see how long this lasts.


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