Location: Greenbelt, Maryland, United States

Monday, April 04, 2005

April Fool

Hey all,

Especially those who got fooled by my "Aravinds Marriage" post. Dont be disillusioned. I have been there and whats more I have been that too....

It was April 1. The day was nice and warm and Ashok had to wake up early to go to DC on official business. He left home at 8 and reached his destination in Washington DC at about 9 AM. He was standing in a line and therefore like most other people did not want to be budged away from the line by that telephone call that rang so loudly that almost everyone around me started staring at me. Well if they thought that was wierd, there was more to come. The call was from my dear friend Kavitha who has relocated to Kansas after securing a job at Sprint. She called me and enquired about my well being. I told her, quite bluntly i must say, that i was busy. She persisted and went on

" Hey Ashok. Its nothing man. Just wanted to share some personal news with you. My engagement has been fixed. I am getting engaged next month. You call me back when you get the time and i will tell you the details then. Take care".

That was it.....Ashok was suddenly surprised and thrown aback. Of crse i must clarify that this has no relation with Kavithas marriageability or watever that is. It was just that Ashok hadnt expected that, and that too so soon after relocation. Anyway our April fool, as we shall henceforth call him on this post, stepped away from the line and went on to enquire some details. She accepeted that indeed she knew the guy from Hindustan Engineering college and that she was extremely happy about it. She excused herself on the pretext that she had to call other people to inform them about the "NEWS".

Anyways, our April fool was all smiles throughout the period he was in the line so much so that the nice beautiful lady who attended to him enquired about his "infectious enthusiasm". Anyways immediately after he got out of the building he placed a call to Kavitha to inquire further about the details of her happiness. And thats when she broke the NEWS. Have a great day you April Fool. And thats how my day began. I am sure all of you had better beginnings.


Blogger me said...

if it makes you feel any better, i was fooled exactly the same way by my friend Ram. I was deeply focussed on work at around 7 PM that day and he called. The background of this person is also important. He is just as unpredictable. Iam sure when he actually does get engaged, he would call up like this only - out of the blue - and break the news. I caught myself immediately and realised the date before he could say april fool. But yes, i was stunned for a moment.

3:30 AM  
Blogger Kavitha said...

Have to say that's one of the best April Fools' day I've had ashok... Sorry about the anticlimax, but I fooled you more easily than I expected... I guess the reference to the "parking lot at 6 AM" added more credibility to it all. Anyway, glad I made your day a "little more surreal" as Calvin would say! Have fun in Utah! -Kavitha

7:16 PM  

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